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Holiday Dreams
Based on 797 reviews
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Jancy Goh
Jancy Goh
07:26 28 Nov 24
We just completed the nice holiday with HD on the Southern Italy tour (6th to 16/11/2024) lead by Ella Chen. This is a... good trip with great arrangement on scenery and hotels. It’s a pleasure trip and enjoyable. Thank you Ella for her pleasant, funny & great personality. Will consider to have my next holiday with HD 😏read more
Jade Soh
Jade Soh
05:20 26 Nov 24
We had a perfect holiday with Holiday Dreams in JZG/Chengdu/Chongqing!
Everything was amazing especially... accommodations & food. Kudos to the itineraries throughout the trip, well planned and relaxed.
Special thanks to our tour leader Edine! She is very attentive and helpful, taking good care of us !!
Will definitely choose Holiday Dreams for our next trip again!!
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Fong Keen
Fong Keen
05:47 23 Nov 24
Kang Chuo Kho
Kang Chuo Kho
00:17 23 Nov 24
参加了11月15日 云南大理丽江泸沽湖香格里拉9天7夜之旅
Siew Chin Chen
Siew Chin Chen
18:00 22 Nov 24
Wei Yao
Wei Yao
09:41 22 Nov 24
9天7夜成都重庆九寨沟旅行圆满结束 此次的旅行非常顺利也非常开心 谢谢领队edine和导游欢欢的全程照顾 人也非常好 good good 我们都被安排的明明白白 非常喜欢这次的行程安排... 膳食也安排的非常高级🤣👍 有机会我还会join holiday dreams❤️read more
Lim Shao En
Lim Shao En
09:36 22 Nov 24
九天七夜的中国之旅结束啦!😭 这次的旅程 真的太棒了👏吃的住的全都是高级的~ 导游、领队(Edine)、司机都很热情、把我们照顾的很好👍Holiday Dreams... 很赞哦、我们一行人都一致赞同 这次的旅行 每个方面都做的很好、有求必应😍 期待下次的旅途!😉read more
Wayne Loh
Wayne Loh
09:31 22 Nov 24
Kok Boon Liew
Kok Boon Liew
03:05 22 Nov 24
9D7N 云南,大理,丽江,泸沽湖,香格里拉之旅

第一次跟着这家旅行社和家人朋友一起旅行。酒店,食物都安排得满意, 领队美女恩慈,导游张超,导游小张 ,导游卓玛... 的服务也很棒👍幸运的是还遇上了我太太的生日,领队和导游也安排了生日蛋糕🎂庆祝一下🎉 还留下一个美好回忆 😉总而言之 非常推荐各位朋友们参与这家旅行社的所有旅程👍read more
03:00 22 Nov 24
9天7夜(11月15日-23日)的之旅一眨眼就结束了,玩得非常开心,holiday dreams 安排了专业摄影师给我们拍了很多的照片,昆明导游老张很专业,丽江导游小张帮我们拍了很多好看的照片。
也吃了很多云南道地美食(过桥米线,菌... 菇汤,青稞饼等)
read more
Shan Yii Liew
Shan Yii Liew
02:58 22 Nov 24
02:51 22 Nov 24
Holiday Dreams 的巴爾幹島非常值得推薦, 安排的吃住跟景點都非常棒,領隊Travel 很棒,每位團友從不認識到相處非常融洽,非常舒適的體驗
Choo Sie Ung
Choo Sie Ung
02:50 22 Nov 24
Stephen Lai
Stephen Lai
02:48 22 Nov 24
这次和家人朋友参加了这次11月15日2024年9天7夜云南团。此次行程非常顺利,恩慈(领队)服务好,张超导游,小张还有卓玛服务很棒👍Holiday Dreams是一家非常棒的旅游公司,值得推荐给朋友。
02:46 22 Nov 24
15nov -23 nov 2024 (9D7N 昆明+大理+丽江+泸沽湖+香格里拉之旅)

第一次跟着朋友参加这家公司旅行团对这次的旅程非常满意👍美女领队恩慈, 导游 张超,小张,... 香格里拉导游卓玛的服务态度也非常满意😀酒店,食物都安排到很好。下次还会选择这家旅行社read more
Elizabeth Lai
Elizabeth Lai
02:45 22 Nov 24
Wui Min Motor
Wui Min Motor
02:43 22 Nov 24
Ivy Tan
Ivy Tan
02:40 22 Nov 24
我和家人朋友一伙15人相约参加了这次22位的15/11/2024 - 9天7晚的“云南奇迹之旅”团. 旅拍真的是让我和先生留下了美好的回忆👍这次有漂亮服务好的领队恩慈,服务态度棒且好有耐心的张超还有非常阳光帅气且帮我们每位... 拍照拍得美美的小张. 酒店和食物安排都非常棒👍非常开心这次遇到了这么好的每一位👍下次还会参加👍read more
Annie Lai
Annie Lai
02:35 22 Nov 24
此次行程非常顺利,恩慈(领队)服务好,各地导游也经验丰富,Holiday Dreams是一家非常棒的旅游公司,值得推荐给朋友。
Jenny Ong
Jenny Ong
02:31 22 Nov 24
张导,恩慈,小张,燕青服务态度非常好,酒店好评🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟早午晚饭菜肴津津有味😋下次还会跟holiday dream... 介绍朋友👍read more
Anna Lai Poh Joo
Anna Lai Poh Joo
02:27 22 Nov 24
第一次参加了15Nov2024 9天7晚的云南团。
还会再参加Holiday Dreams 的团。
Lithing Helen
Lithing Helen
02:24 22 Nov 24
02:23 22 Nov 24
Joined 15 Nov Yunnan tour 9D7N. Holiday Dreams的安排都很好。酒店干净, 食物丰富, 也拍了很多好看的照片。张超导游 和恩慈领队 服务也好。 下次还会再参加
ChingChing Wong
ChingChing Wong
02:19 22 Nov 24
下次還會... 再參加🥰read more
Clement Jong
Clement Jong
02:16 22 Nov 24
Leng Siang
Leng Siang
14:07 21 Nov 24
这是我第一次参加旅行团,和之前的自由行不一样的地方是旅程中完全不需要担心丢三落四, 因为我们有很贴心的导游➕领队 Jack完全一人分饰两角, 完美的演绎让我们的这趟旅途充满欢乐和活力。 之前听说旅行团是很赶很赶的,... 但是在这趟旅途中我没有感受到很匆忙, 而是舒服放松的状态。 到点吃饭, 打卡上厕所。 还有一些坑可以避掉。 最重要的是我们都可以在每个景点拍到最佳效果,因为有摄影师jack 😆。 下一次如果再选择旅行团旅游,我一定会再选择HolidayDreams 和jack。 最后的最后, 我很开心认识到一帮20 多位爱旅游和爱拍照生活的旅伴们。 因为有你们让我们的瑞士法国之旅更精彩
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Jessie Teh
Jessie Teh
08:47 21 Nov 24
这是我第一次跟holiday dream 去旅游, 感觉它们的行程都安排得很轻松, 吃住都很好, 導遊和领队服务很好,我非常满意, 有去旅遊还是会找他们安排, 谢谢 holiday dream�
Tan Siong Ming
Tan Siong Ming
00:32 21 Nov 24
Cecelia Ling
Cecelia Ling
19:11 20 Nov 24
第一次跟着holiday dreams 这个团 这次的行程充实 放松 很好玩 根本不需要自己烦恼交通 语言 和任何行程的安排 Holiday... dreams都帮忙安排的明明白白了包括任何的门票🥹☺️ 还会特地列出必要带的物品.

而且Holiday Dreams 安排的行程都不是去那些特别喧闹拥挤的城市 基本都是去些小镇然后风景又好看的地方❤️这个是我最喜欢的 这次的旅途我竟然拍了快要4000张照片😂

我们的Jack导游细心有耐心,中文讲解完英文再讲解一遍 忙前忙后还记得所有人不吃的什么东西 …自行解决午餐/晚餐的时候还会特别介绍几间不错的餐厅 超市 方方面面都有顾全的到😇 而且还特别会拍照📷
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Eunice Lim
Eunice Lim
17:48 20 Nov 24
第一次参与holiday dreams,10天7夜的法国和瑞士行程安排得太赞了。食物和住宿方面都相当满意,除了有几间酒店有进步的空间,但overall是ok的。导游Jack也非常有责任感,就算行程结束了,抵达了klia都还帮我们搬行李打点... 一切,参加过其他旅行社可是Jack是我看过最负责任的一位 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟(因为太有责任感了所以给5星🤣)read more
Yaw Cristine
Yaw Cristine
14:28 20 Nov 24
Celine Ong Kim Peng
Celine Ong Kim Peng
13:48 20 Nov 24
Wonderful trip in Switzerland & France. Unforgettable experiences at Matterhon & Jungfrau. Responsible tour leader,... Jack, guide us all the way for itinerary & food finder. Good driver, Alita to ensure our safety along the way. Foods & accommodations overall is ok but still have room for improvement. Well done so far!!read more
Cheng Johnny
Cheng Johnny
11:28 20 Nov 24
Anna Ling Lee Tong
Anna Ling Lee Tong
06:02 20 Nov 24
10天7夜的瑞士法国之旅圆满结束了.很开心很快乐也很放松😎Holiday dreams 和我们的导游Jack... 很棒!所有的景点住宿,注意事项都被安排得明明白白.导游思路清晰,耐心的讲解,细心安排包括有些人不适合吃牛肉不吃海鲜等等的问题.
非常满意👍🏻,下次会再参与holiday dreams 的旅行✈️
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Vivian Tu
Vivian Tu
05:55 20 Nov 24
Susic Kumar
Susic Kumar
05:54 20 Nov 24
Amazing Experience! This tour was so great to go on, I would definitely recommend it to anyone that visits France &... Swiss . I had no idea what to expect from the market, and this tour, and my fantastic tour guide showed me all of the amazing places very detail in the explanation and guiding us closely ! Our tour guide was super personable.Not only did we try some local food and much depend on individual preferences as well , but we also learned some cool history worth the trip!read more
Jay Jainthi
Jay Jainthi
05:53 20 Nov 24
First time with Holiday Dreams, the itinerary is good,food is different from usual. Able to get best view from the room
BeeLian Teh
BeeLian Teh
05:13 20 Nov 24
Ling Andy
Ling Andy
16:54 19 Nov 24
Wonderful experience and so far the longest vacation i ever had. Venues, hotels, food are great. Will definitely... recommend Holiday Dreams. Thanks to pur tour guide Jack who is very professional, enthusiastic and helpful throughout the journey!read more
Ng Fei Chi
Ng Fei Chi
16:23 19 Nov 24
This is my first time joining Holiday dreams Switzerland and France November tour.I would like to say the itinerary is... well planned,great transportation and accommodation,picturesque and magnificent views,polite and good skill driving driver and most importantly our experience and capable tour guide Jack.I will definitely recommend this travel agency to my friends and relatives.read more
Bht Anthony
Bht Anthony
07:53 19 Nov 24
Excellent tour and itinerary, really enjoyed our time at Southern Italy, looking forward for another exciting trip with... Holiday Dreams 👍🏻read more
PC Janice
PC Janice
07:43 19 Nov 24
Had a great holiday at Southern Italy with Holiday Dreams, good food and accommodation. Tour manager is also very... professional.read more
Low Pei Yi
Low Pei Yi
06:39 19 Nov 24
This is my first travel tour with Holiday Dreams. I believe we are the first group to Southern Italy. Everything is... arranged smoothly. Doreen is checking our schedule closely with our tour leader everyday to make sure everything run accordingly. It was fun and a great experience! Satisfied with the service provided. 👍🏻read more
Simon Ng
Simon Ng
00:47 19 Nov 24
We were in norway early November from 5th to 15th and had good times. Benee being friendly, careful and responsible... tour guide made the trip safe and enjoyable! Aurora, we will be seeing you again. for sure!read more
Wui Ling
Wui Ling
16:31 18 Nov 24
My husband and I recently went on our first trip with Holiday Dreams to Norway from November 5 to November 15, and it... was a fantastic experience! Everything ran smoothly, from transportation to accommodations. Norway is truly beautiful, and we enjoyed every moment.

Special thanks to our tour leader, Benee, who was incredibly responsible and took great care of everyone. She handled unexpected changes with ease, made sure we all had a great time, and even helped the group capture many wonderful photos.

Holiday Dreams and Benee made this trip unforgettable for us, and we’re excited to travel with them again in the future!
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Lai Fook Tai
Lai Fook Tai
08:31 18 Nov 24
我第一次参加Holiday Dreams 5/11/2024 - 15/11/2024 Austria & Ceszh Republic 之旅。安排行程,住宿,饮食各方面很赞
首先感谢Mr. Marcus... Tan介绍。
Miss Wan Ting婉婷,是一位有责任,认真, 热情,活泼,亲切,好领队。
还有一个来自Croatia Drive驾驶人员。工作态度责任,安全到景区。
特别嘉宾DJ KK Wong

我的感受,结束了这次愉快的旅行,真的舍不得离开这美好回忆,放途中每一外风景,每个团友微笑,都让我感到无化温暖,期待下一次再聚Holiday Dreams
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Ng Adelin
Ng Adelin
15:07 17 Nov 24
临时决定要去巴尔干深度之旅。好美的风景和好轻松的旅程。 谢谢好师的司机安全抵达每一个目的地, 导游清楚解说每个旅游景点。很开心可以认识一班亲切友善的团友和领队。期待下一次的旅行。
Peter Ung
Peter Ung
08:38 17 Nov 24
I just finished my trip to Austria & Czech Republic with Holiday Dreams.l feel good and enjoy very much,feel more relax... with good food and good hotels . l highly recommend you to join ,you will not feel bore and will always on the move with very energetic and attentive tour leader.i promise you will not regret joining Holiday Dreams.read more
Yuzjiang Yee
Yuzjiang Yee
06:52 17 Nov 24
If you are looking for in depth, luxurious and relax trip, please do join Holiday Dream. This is the best trip I've... ever taken. Prefect mix of culture and landscape during my November trip to Austria.read more
Veronica Lee
Veronica Lee
05:54 17 Nov 24
I highly recommend Holiday Dreams! During our tour of the Balkans, they provided excellent food, comfortable hotels,... and an outstanding tour leader, Lee, who made every moment enjoyable and stress-free. Truly unforgettable experience!read more
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